Areas of Expertise
Empirical asset pricing, asset allocation, institutional investors, commodities, corporate bonds, and financial econometrics.
“Mining the Short Side: Institutional Investors and Stock Market Anomalies” with Ying Wang, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 58, Issue 1 (2023). Link
“The Relative Pricing of WTI and Brent Crude Oil Futures: Expectations or Risk Premia?” with Bingxing Li and Rui Liu, Journal of Commodity Markets, 100274 (2022). Link
“Forecasting variance swap payoffs” with Jonathan Dark, Thijs van der Heijden, and Federico Nardari, The Journal of Futures Markets, Volume 42, Issue 12 (2022). Link
“Tick Size, Institutional Trading, and Market Making: A Study of the SEC Tick Size Pilot Program” with Kaitao Lin and Rui Liu, The Quarterly Journal of Finance, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2022). Link
“Do Commodities Add Economic Value in Asset Allocation? New Evidence from Time-Varying Moments” with Federico Nardari, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 53, Issue 1 (2018). Link
Working Papers
“The Informational Role of Stock Prices in Corporate Bond Mutual Funds' Trading”, with Ying Wang
“Investing in Mutual Funds: Exploiting the Cross-sectional Predictability in Fund Performance”, with Federico Nardari
“Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Using Variance Swaps”, with Jonathan Dark, Federico Nardari and Thijs van der Heijden
“Illiquidity Contagion ”, with Kaitao Lin and Rui Liu
“Effects of Errors in Higher Moments on Optimal Portfolio Selection”
“Asymmetric Liquidity Shocks in Corporate Bonds”, with Yufeng Han and Ying Wang
“Herding by Mutual Funds”, with Zafer Yuksel